Full-year, 1 December - 30 November

Net sales, SEK m 232,755187,031198,967223,553236,035
Change net sales from previous year in SEK, %11-206126
Change net sales from previous year in local currencies, %6-18126-1
Operating profit, SEK m 17,3463,09915,2557,16914,537
Operating margin, %
Depreciation and amortisation / write downs for the year, SEK m11,05125,95322,32022,57922,955
Profit after financial items, SEK m 17,3912,05214,3006,21613,010
Profit after tax, SEK m 13,4431,24311,0103,5668,723
Cash and cash equivalents, SEK m12,31216,54027,47121,70726,398
Stock-in-trade, SEK m 37,82338,20937,30642,49537,358
Equity, SEK m57,06954,62360,01850,75747,601
Average number of shares outstanding, thousands**1,655,0721,655,0721,655,0721,649,8471,629,097
Earnings per share, SEK**8.120.756.652.165.35
Cash flow from operating activities per share, SEK**17.5115.6526.9615.0020.84
Number of shares outstanding as of the closing day, thousands**1,655,0721,655,0721,655,0721,629,6871,622,548
Equity per share, SEK**34.48330036.2631.1529.34
Dividend per share excluding own shares, SEK***9.75-6.506.506.50
Return on equity, %,417.7
Return on capital employed, %
Share of risk-bearing capital, % 51.033.635.429.727.6
Equity/assets ratio, % 47.431.333.427.926.3
Total number of stores 5,0765,0184,8014,4654,369
Average number of employees 126,376110,325107,375106,522101,103

* Excluding IFRS 16.
** Before and after dilution, excluding own shares.
*** Dividend which was decided and paid during the year.

For definitions and explanations of the alternative performance measures in this report, see page 147-149 in the annual and sustainability report for the 2022 financial year.
